Vol I No. 7
Liturgy & Ecclesiology

Choral Evensong - at such a time as this....

by sinetortus
The Church of the Advent, Boston,  (Photo: jonathunder GNU Free documentation)

Choral Evensong

for the Wednesday

following the

The Third Sunday

of Lent

At this time of profound stress and dislocation both here and around the world, it is timely to be called back to the contemplation of the eternal verities of our faith which are so powerfully conveyed in the Anglican liturgical heritage of the Prayer Book
It is a deeply poignant loss currently that,in the interests of slowing the spread of the COVID-19virus, so many churches have now closed their doors and are unable for the time being to offer public Divine Worship. So it is with gratitude that we are able to provide a link to this Services of Choral Evensong from the Church of the Advent, Boston.
The Service is introduced by the Rector, the Revd Fr. Douglas Anderson and is sung by the choir under the direction of Dr Mark Dwyer the Organist and Choir Master assisted by Jeremy Bruns,
the Associate organist and Choir Master.
Also robed and in the Sacrarium
when the service was originally recorded were
the Revd. Fr. Jay C. James, the Associate Rector and
the Revd Dr. Jeffrey A. Hanson the Curate for Christian Education.
The Revd. Canon Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff read the lessons.
The canticles are from the Chichester Service by Sir William Walton, OM (29 March 1902 – 8 March 1983),
The Versicles and Responses
are to the setting by Kenneth Leighton
The anthem is by Herbert Howells CH, CBE, (17 October 1892 – 23 February 1983) and is of the evocative words from Psalm 42:
“Like as the Hart desireth the water brooks,
So longeth my soul after Thee, O God”
The Prayer Book Society was looking forward to the launch of its completely redesigned magazine The Anglican Way around now but this will now be slightly delayed.
This important development has been a major project that has taken much time and effort.
The first new-look edition will explore just what comprises Classical Anglicanism and further news of this
will be sent out shortly.
In the meantime it is intended to offer further resources
for prayer and reflection in these challenging days
O God, from whom all holy desires,
all good counsels, and all just works do proceed:
Give unto thy servants that peace which the world cannot give;
that our hearts may be set to obey thy commandments,
and also that by thee we being defendedfrom the fear of our enemies
may pass our time in rest and quietness;
through the merits of Jesus Christ Our Saviour. Amen.
The Second Collect at Evening Prayer
The Book of Common Prayer, 1662