Vol I No. 9
Liturgy & Ecclesiology

Audio of Drs. Joan O'Donovan, George Westhaver and Jesse Billet, from the PBS Conference 2017

by sinetortus

Audio recordings  of the Papers given by three more of our principal speakers at the 2017 Conference can be accessed below:

The Papers given were:

The Public Authority of the Church in the Cranmerian Tradition, 

         by  Dr. Joan O’Donovan, University of Edinburgh


Incarnational Reading: A Tractarian View of the Authority of Scripture


by The Revd. Dr. George Westhaver, Principal of Pusey House, Oxford



“The Holy Scriptures, or That Which Is Agreeable to the Same”:

The Scriptural Catholicity of the Prayer Book

by Dr. Jesse Billett, Trinity College, the University of Toronto