Vol I No. 9
PBS News & Events

Audio of two further Sessions including Dr Arnold Klukas opening the Session on Liturgy Now at the PBS 2017 Conference

by sinetortus

Recordings of two further sessions of the PBS Conference can be accessed below.

In the first,  Dr. Arnold Klukas,

the recently retired Professor of Liturgy at Nashotah House, gives the lead presentation.

He opened a discussion of the challenges facing the Anglican liturgical heritage if it is to preserve authentic continuity.  He was joined in reflecting upon the different contexts of the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom by Fr Gavin Dunbar, Dr Jesse Billet and Fr. Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff.

It is striking that liturgical revision is not merely proposed within the Episcopal Church of the United States, but also by the Churches newly independent of it, which understand themselves to be more deeply upholding the Classical Anglican tradition. How can revision be reconciled with the fact that historically the specificity of Anglicanism has been defined in close relation to the historic Prayer Book tradition?  How and when is revision authentic?


Another Panel Discussion was chaired by William Murchison formerly the Radford Distinguished Professor of Journalism, Baylor University and PBS Board member.

The panel sought to reflect on the implications for the future of the Anglican tradition of the Papers given at the Conference. It featured Dr. Jesse Billett, Dr. Oliver O’Donovan,  Dr. Gillis Harp, Dr. Neil Robertson and Dr. George Westhaver, as well as the Editor of the PBS Journal, The Anglican Way print edition Dr. Roberta Bayer, Professor at Patrick Henry College.