Vol I No. 9
From the Quarterly

"C.S. Lewis, 20 Years On"

by The Editors
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Anglican Way, Vol. 37, No. 4

The Winter 2014 edition of the Anglican Way closes out the year with reflections in revisiting Roger Beckwith’s 1986 article, “C.S. Lewis, 20 Years On”.

In his article, Beckwith proposed several ways in which Evangelical and Anglo-Catholic parties within the Anglican Communion might reconcile their differences in the spirit of Lewis’ perspective on theological disputation. Roberta Bayer and Gillis Harp discuss these observations as still strikingly relevant in light of more contemporary ecclesiological developments and divides within the Anglican Communion. Canon Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff examines in greater detail the monumental challenge faced by Archbishop Welby in addressing the common future of such a diverse body. Lastly, the Reverend Gavin Dunbar and the Reverend William Martin both comment upon our relationship to Christ in the sacraments, a reminder of the great unity shared by all those who belong to Christ.

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