Vol I No. 8
Daily Thought

God all in all...

by William J. Martin

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAO Lord. Let me ever take shame to myself; but at all times give thee the glory of whatever is good in me. Great and Holy God let me be more studious to be thy favorite than to be so accounted by men; and better pleased to do my duty than to hear that I have done it. Neither let me seek the glory of men, but the honor that cometh of God alone. And the more I have received of thee, the more let me ascribe to thee; and not be proudly opinionated of myself; but give all thanks and glory to thee for any good wherein thou hast made me to differ. Let me not desire the praise of men while I am doing the work of God; but let me perform all my offices as one that would be approved by thee, O all heart and soul-searching God.

O discover me so to myself that I may still walk humbly with thee my God; and be clothed with humility. Consider how frail I am as a sinner and how vile as a creature. Let me ever resist and dread the pride that goes before the fall; and so humble myself under thy mighty hand, that thou mayest exalt me in due season. And for all the good ever I have performed or enjoyed, not unto me, not unto me, O Lord, but unto thy name be all the praise and glory, humbly and heartily acknowledged and rendered, now and for evermore. Amen.

Benjamin Jenks