Vol I No. 10

From the Editor’s Desk

Once again, this edition of the The Anglican Way brings an abundance of good writing expounding the distinctive riches of our Anglican theological heritage Society President, Gavin Dunbar, provides the second part of his analysis of Cranmer’s Baptismal Order.

Cranmer’s Daily Office, is defended by Benjamin Crosby against modern critics in the liturgical movement who disdained its emphasis upon the annual reading of nearly the whole Bible upon the basis of an early church model that has itself turned out to be imaginary.

Dr. Keane explores Hooker’s rebuttal of the charge that the Prayer Book treated the psalms like tennis balls, by stressing the richness of Hooker’s understanding that the performative and playful quality of worship is not only valuable but fundamental to how liturgy works.

The outstanding writing of the late Dr Roger Beckwith is illustrated by his presentation of the doctrine of the sacraments as set out in Cranmer’s Thirty-nine Articles. His ability to see this as a corrective, both to Anglo-Catholic excesses and Evangelical neglect of their riches, serves to highlight those most Anglican virtues embodies by Dr Beckwith himself, namely scholarship and moderation.

The present times can only make us wish for more!
