Worshipping the Lord in the Anglican Way
Traditional Texts & Prayers from The Book of Common Prayer (1928) in Parallel with Functional Equivalents in Contemporary English for Comparison and Study
by The Rev’d. Dr. Peter Toon
Many sincere Episcopalians and Anglicans have never used the historic, classic texts for worship contained in the traditional Book of Common Prayer. They have used only those services from recent prayer books, in which God is addressed as “You.” Often they have been taught that it is not appropriate to address God as “Thou” any longer. The purpose of this book is to provide in parallel both the historic service and a functional equivalent of it in contemporary language. Thus it encourages anyone who is not familiar with addressing God as “Thou/Thee” to begin with addressing him as “You” on one side of the page, and then move over to the other side to address him as “Thou,” and also get a feel for the style and the doctrine contained in the classic texts. If you want to begin to experience classic Anglicanism, then start here.