Having just concluded our three day
Annual Conference for 2018 in Savannah
we were delighted to announce the program
for our next event:
God Science and Humanity
10th February 10 a.m.- 4 p.m.
Hosted in partnership with
the Church of St. Francis, PotomacFollowed by Evening Prayer(With a Sandwich lunch included for those who registered)
the Church of St. Francis, PotomacFollowed by Evening Prayer(With a Sandwich lunch included for those who registered)
9.30- 10.00 Arrivals and registration
Introductions and overview of the dayThe Revd. Fr Mark Michaels, Rector of the Parish
The Revd Canon Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff (PBS)
Dr. Paul Julienne
Physicist and emeritus of NIST
and regular blogger for the PBS and Biologos
Session I
“Ordinary Faith, Ordinary Science,”
Dr William Phillips
(Nobel Laureate in Physics)
Followed by discussion
Followed by discussion
Session II
‘The Liturgical Brain’
by Daniel Dorman,
Neuroscience researcher at the
Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study,
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Krasnow Institute for Advanced Study,
George Mason University, Fairfax, VA
Followed by Discussion
12.15 – `1.15 p.m. (approximately) Luncheon
1.15 p.m.
Session III
“Science and Faith: Getting the Question Right”
by Dr Michael Hanby
of the John Paul II Institute ACU, Washington DC.
Followed by DiscussionTea
Followed by DiscussionTea
Session IV
“Renewing the Christian Imagination:
Where do we go from here”
by Dr. Paul Julienne
Emeritus Fellow, The Joint Quantum Institute
of NIST & UMDFollowed by discussion.
of NIST & UMDFollowed by discussion.
Followed by Evening Prayer
(at 4 pm approximately)
Coordinating the day will be:
The Revd. Canon Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff (of the PBS),
The Revd Fr. Mark A. Michael,
Rector of the Parish of St. Francis Potomac.