Vol I No. 8
Anglican Communion

After the God Science & Humanity Conference

by sinetortus

(Above – left to right-  Canon Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff, Dr. William Phillips,
Fr. Mark Michaels, Dr. Paul Julienne, Mr. Daniel Dorman)


This conference in Potomac was a great success and we wish to thank Fr Mark Michael, the Vestry and members of the Congregation of St Francis for so kindly hosting us, and even adding a full choral Evensong at the end of the Conference!

Gratitude is also extended to the many who attended and to our speakers in particular, to  Dr. William Phillips, Dr. Paul Julienne,  Dr. Michael Hanby and Mr Daniel Dorman.

It is hoped to make recordings available of the presentations shortly and access details will be posted when that is done.

It is also intended to continue the Society’s engagement with Apologetics in future events and further details will be announced soon.

Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff