From the Editor’s Desk
Liturgy is central to Anglicanism, together with therites that set it out and, to a lesser degree, the ceremonies that accompany it. The Book of Common Prayer, the Daily Office and our Formularies lie at the heart of our daily experience of the Christian faith and give profound expression to the great truths of Holy Scripture Anglicans uphold. It is therefore only natural for the Society to look closely at each and every edition of the Prayer Book, as Fr. Gavin Dunbar does, on this occasion, the 2019 BCP of the Anglican Church ofNorth America. Of this great project he says roundly that, “there is much that is a substantial improvement over the 1979 Prayer Book” and we look forward to the lively debates his analysis is sure to evoke –here initiated with Dr. Arnold Klukas. But there is much else to enjoy too, on matters that range from Fr. Ralston tothe Litany of John Donne and on to the St MatthewPassion of J.S. Bach, as well as the life and Christian witness of the late Queen, Elizabeth II. I commend it to your contemplation!