Vol I No. 10

From the Editor’s Desk

It is our constant Prayer Book petition to “grant that all they that do confess thy holy name may agree in the truth of thy holy Word, and live in unity, and godly love”—yet the history of the church makes quite clear how much harder it is to live out these words than to say them.

Just such a time of crisis between the claims of truth and unity is now hitting the Anglican Communion with full force. A widening formal rupture has been brought into the open since the events of the Church of England Synod last February regarding same-sex blessings. Recognition of the Archbishop of Canterbury as primus inter pares of the Communion is being repudiated by Provinces of the Global South and GAFCON. Emeritus Archbishop Mouneer Anis explains here how things went so badly wrong and sets the stage for asking, “What should happen now?”

Meanwhile, Stephen Noll defends the Kigali Commitment from its detractors, Bishop Fitzsimmons Allison definitively sorts out the Anglican view of Justification by Faith, while Fr. Gavin Dunbar keeps it whole and entire. Messrs. Keane and Bray respectively review the last General Convention and three different editions of Morning Prayer, after which our regular columns follow, for further edification.

All of this makes for a replete and action-packed summer edition of the Anglican Way!
