Vol I No. 9
PBS News & Events

The 2019 Conference Program in full:

by sinetortus

What is Classical Anglicanism?

The PBS Anglican Way Conference 2019

St John’s Church Savannah, 24-26th October 2019



To book go to https://bpt.me/3900248


Thursday 24thOctober

Arrivals and Registration from 12.30 p.m. (Cranmer Hall Ground Floor)


1.30  p.m.                       Official Opening of the Conference

Opening remarks by

The Revd. Fr. Gavin Dunbar,

Prayer Book Society President


Canon Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff

2.00 p.m.     

Anglicanism in the Age of Modernity, 

Neil Robertson,

King’s College, Halifax;

3.15 p.m.                    Tea                                                                                                  

3.45 p.m.

 “Goodness had nothing to do with it”

Classical Anglicanism à la Elizabeth I to Mae West,

& William H. Ralston, 

Dean William McKeachie, 


5.00-6.15 p.m.            

The Inaugural Anglican Way Lecture:

The Elusiveness of Freedom

FitzSimons Allison,

Retired Bishop of South Carolina. 

6.30-8 p.m.                           

Conference Reception

(In the Green-Meldrim House)


Friday 25thOctober


8.15 a.m.                         Morning Prayer (St Mary’s Chapel)

9.00 a.m.                         

The Hermeneutics of Presence 

in Reformation Sacramental Debates,

Torrance Kirby

McGill University

10.30 a.m.                     Coffee

11.00 a.m.                      

“Laying Bare the Groundwork”:

The Anglican Formularies

and the Eucharistic Theology of F. D. Maurice.

Jesse Billett 

Trinity College, Toronto


12.30 – 2.30 p.m.                   Extended Luncheon break

2.30 p.m.                                           


and the Meaning of Anglican Conservatism,

Bradford Littlejohn, 

The Davenant Institute

4.00 p.m.          Tea

4.30 – 6 p.m.                           

The Shape Fallacy, 

Reconsidering the Book of Common Prayer as Text, 

Samuel Bray, 

Notre Dame University Law School;


6.30 p.m.                                  

Choral Evensong 

With Sermon (in lieu of the Presidential Address) by

The Revd. Fr. Gavin Dunbar

St John’s Church



Saturday 26thOctober, 2019


8.15.a.m.                      Morning Prayer (St Mary’s Chapel) 

8.45 a.m.                       

Hooker, Wilson, Natural Law

& the American Constitution,

Roberta Bayer

Patrick Henry College

10.00 a.m.                         

‘We know not what to say’:  

Epistemic Humility in John Donne’s ‘A Litany’.

David Anderson

University of Oklahoma

11.15   a.m.          Coffee

11.30 – 12.45 p.m                     

Authentic Anglicanism:

Beyond Price and Prudence?

Canon Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff    

1.00 p.m.                                  

Closing Eucharist