Vol I No. 8
Liturgy & Ecclesiology

Why do we go to church? A Trinity Sunday Reflection with Choral Music

by sinetortus

Adoration of the Trinity (Landauer Altar)

Albrecht Durer, 1511,  Kunst Historisches Musee, Vienna

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Introit:  Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, SWV 380 — Heinrich Schütz (1585-1672)

Also hat Gott die Welt geliebt, daß er seinen eingebornen Sohn gab, auf daß alle die an ihn glauben nicht verloren warden, sondern das ewige Leben haben.

For God so loved the world, that he sent his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him, should not perish, but have everlasting life.    (John 3:16)



First Reading:  Romans, Chapter 8 (12-17)

Psalm 27:8-16 – chant by Myles Birket Foster (1851-1922)

Second Reading:  St John’s Gospel, Chapter 3 (1-17)


1 God of mercy, God of grace,
show the brightness of thy face.
Shine upon us, Savior, shine,
fill thy Church with light divine,
and thy saving health extend
unto earth’s remotest end.

2 Let thy people praise thee, Lord;
be by all that live adored.
Let the nations shout and sing
glory to their Savior King;
let all be, below, above,
one in joy, and light, and love.


Reflection Part I   (by the Revd. Canon Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff

Anthem : Ubi caritas et amor by Maurice Duruflé (1902–1986)

(A setting of the Refrain & Verse 1 of the Maundy Thursday hymn

sung at the foot-washing ceremony: North Italian or Burgundian, c 8th cent.)



Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
Congregavit nos in unum Christi amor.
Exsultemus, et in ipso jucundemur.
Timeamus, et amemus Deum vivum.
Et ex corde diligamus nos sincero.
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
Simul ergo cum in unum congregamur:
Ne nos mente dividamur, caveamus.
Cessent iurgia maligna, cessent lites.
Et in medio nostri sit Christus Deus.
Ubi caritas et amor, Deus ibi est.
Simul quoque cum beatis videamus,
Glorianter vultum tuum, Christe Deus:
Gaudium quod est immensum, atque probum,
Saecula per infinita saeculorum. Amen.

Where charity and love are, God is there.
Love of Christ has gathered us into one.
Let us rejoice in Him and be glad.
Let us fear, and let us love the living God.
And from a sincere heart let us love one.
Where charity and love are, God is there.
At the same time, therefore, are gathered into one:
Lest we be divided in mind, let us beware.
Let evil impulses stop, let controversy cease.
And in the midst of us be Christ our God.
Where charity and love are, God is there.
At the same time we see that with the saints also,
Thy face in glory, O Christ our God:
The joy that is immense and good, Unto the
World without end. Amen.

Reflection Part II

Hymn Round the Lord in glory seated

1 Round the Lord in glory seated,
cherubim and seraphim
filled his temple, and repeated
each to each th’alternate hymn:
“Lord, Thy glory fills the heaven,
earth is with its fullness stored;
unto Thee be glory given,
Holy, holy, holy, Lord.”

2 Heav’n is still with glory ringing;
earth takes up the angels’ cry,
“Holy, holy, holy,” singing,
“Lord of hosts, the Lord Most High!”
With His seraph-train before Him,
With His holy Church below,
thus unite we to adore Him,
bid we thus our anthem flow:

3 “Lord, Thy glory fills the heaven,
earth is with its fullness stored;
unto Thee be glory given,
Holy, holy, holy, Lord.”
Thus Thy glorious name confessing,
with Thine angel hosts we cry,
“Holy, holy, holy,” blessing
Thee, the Lord of Hosts Most High.

Author: Richard Mant, D.D., was born at Southampton, Feb. 12, 1776 and died Nov. 2, 1848 educated at Winchester and Trinity, Oxford (B.A. 1797, M.A., 1799) and later a Fellow of Oriel, and then Domestic Chaplain to the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1813, Rector of St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, London. 1816, and East Horsley, 1818, Bishop of Killaloe, 1820, of Down and Connor, 1823, and of Dromore, 1842. He was also Bampton Lecturer in 1811.

Organ Voluntary: Organ Voluntary: Praeludium in D Minor, BuxWV 140 -– Dietrich Buxtehude (1637-1707), Organist: Mark Dwyer.

The Music is from the Sound Archive of the Choir of the Church of the Advent Boston, by kind permission of the Rector The Revd Fr. Douglas Anderson and the Organist and Director of Music, Mark Dwyer