Vol I No. 8

From the Editor’s Desk

The COVID crisis has surely reminded us that the real is far preferable to the virtual. There could therefore be no better time for the Anglican Way to return into print and to do so in such a new and improved edition.The comprehensive redesign by Messrs Beck and Stone reflects the rich heritage of print and typography that has always adorned the Prayer Book heritage which it is the work of the Society to uphold. Yet ultimately this task embraces the larger one of presenting the fulness of our Christian faith in its uniquely Anglican form Accordingly, the articles here, cover aspects of our theology, literature and history, not to mention some of our notable personalities, music and even issues of faith, science and the environment. The writers also reflect critically on the grave challenges posed by some church responses to the pandemic as well as crisis that faces the Communion worldwide –seemingly poised on the brink of fracture. In these pages and the future editions to follow it is therefore intended that there will be much to “read, mark, learn and inwardly digest.”
