Vol I No. 10

Why Support The Anglican Way?

by Fr. Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff

Recent years have seen a welcome revival of interest in Classical Anglicanism. This vital tradition within Christianity is grounded in the teaching of the Scriptures, an ancient catholic heritage, and the writings of reformation divines of the 16th and 17th centuries. Its distinctive beliefs and practices find their chief expression in the Book of Common Prayer, in its classical English edition of 1662 as well as the American version of 1928.

The Anglican Way magazine, published by the Prayer Book Society (USA) is the premiere print magazine in circulation devoted to the study of classical Anglican faith, order, and worship. It serves as a unifying force within global Anglicanism in all its varied perspectives, by promoting and honoring the Anglican tradition of Common Prayer, the doctrines that ground it, and the history through which it took shape. It offers a “guide for the perplexed” and a venue for the exploration and exposition of this rich heritage. 

Born in response to departures from classical Anglicanism and the 1662 Prayer Book, The Anglican Way draws strength from a dynamic and respected community of readers and writers, pastors and scholars. Though reflecting diverse perspectives and churchmanships—users of the 1662 Prayer Book, the 1928 Prayer Book, and 1979 Rite I, evangelicals, catholics, and curious non-Anglicans—we are united by a profound attachment to the Prayer Book and the rich heritage of Anglicanism along with a deep skepticism towards the promise of novel alternatives. Like our sometime chairman, the late William  Ralston, we often hear in supposed novelties elaborations on the promises of that old serpent

Our bold but irenic approach reflects our editorial principles, which place common ground before criticism and address controversy with civility. We hope that this spirit goes beyond the ink and paper of the magazine to all of our activities—from conferences that delve into our theology, liturgy, and history through to the digital forms of our magazine on the web and social media.

As a non-profit and charity, The Prayer Book Society (USA) depends fully upon generous readers of The Anglican Way for support. Your contributions have enabled us to invite world-renowned scholars and church leaders to our annual conference and other colloquia, to hire the staff needed to produce a website and magazine of the highest quality, and even enabled us to ensure that the 1662 Book of Common Prayer: International Edition (IVP Academic) included red rubrics and a ribbon to enhance its usability.

By subscribing to the print or digital edition, attending conferences, shopping in our online store, and especially by making an annual donation, you are helping to ensure the preservation of our Anglican faith and heritage for generations to come. We offer you heartfelt thanks and appreciation for supporting this ministry.

Revd Canon Alistair Macdonald-Radcliff